My name is Caroline Lecoupé-Grainville, I am 39 years old, I hold the State Diploma of Classical Dance Teacher and a Master of Science in Management. I have been teaching dance since 2011 to amateur students of all levels, from complete beginners to advanced.

Dance is a living sensation that I share with you as part of a benevolent and disciplined teaching, with kindness and your best interest at heart. My classes follow the tradition of French ballet, adapted to amateur students. I take care to balance my teaching between technique and artistic expression. I transmit many explanations so that my students become autonomous and have access to a real understanding of their gesture.

In the summer of 2022, I had the honor of being a member of the selection jury for the Prix d’Europe , an international music and dance competition. On this occasion I gave masterclasses to help the candidates in their preparation.

In 2022, I designed and shot with professional dancers an educational program for students aged 3 to 10.

Since 2021, I have been a lecturer (masterclass, internships, conferences) for the AEAFC , Association for Artistic Exchanges between France and China , classical dance teaching program in China.

In 2021, I led a university training for future dance teachers, on the theme of dance pedagogy for amateur students.

From 2019 to 2022, I am a classical dance teacher at Les Pas Sages dance school in Paris 9th.

In 2015, I created the dance school La Belle Etoile in La-Celle-Saint-Cloud (Yvelines). Up to 110 students in ballet and jazz with annual gala.

Since 2013, I have been a member of the Association Française des Maîtres de Danse Classique. (French Association of Ballet Masters).

From 2012 to 2018, I was a dancer, teacher and choreographer for the ArtMetiss dance company, ballet and jazz dance. This company mixed the talents of amateur and professional artists, musicians and dancers.

Some pictures…

Some videos…

And even before…

My first dance steps took place around 6 years old. Very young, I felt the need to share and teach dance.

Trained in private lessons, I started my apprenticeship with Jean Golovine, Roxana Barbacaru then Jessica Baumann, Annie Teysseyre, Antonio Alvarado and Anne-Marie Laffont with whom I have been training since 2008. I prepared for the State Diploma with Anne-Marie Laffont, teachers at the Goubé center (Paris) and Cafedanse (Aix-en-Provence).

Independent, I followed many dance courses to absorb the teachings of talented teachers. I was particularly impressed by the great finesse of teaching by Jean Guillaume Bart and Claire-Marie Osta (among others!).

I also do yoga and boxing, and I love a good HIIT session.